Exploring New Lands


Saturday 28th August 2021 the wind was promising a 20mph NE and the swell had a reasonable period and was lining up for a great downwinder on the SUP. To the north of Guernsey lies the baliwick island of Alderney. A friend with a Rib and another as driver were lined up and we departed at 10am. With the wind over tide the first 5 miles out of the harbour were challenging for the rib and green waves were caught a few times! After 1 1/2 hours we arrive in Longis Bay on the east coast. Hot sunny and sheltered we relaxed took a walk around and had lunch. Departing at 3.30 pm we started the 23 mile SUP back to Guernsey heading south! The swell had swung more north and the wind dropped to about 8mph so it was always going to be a long slog and not so much of a downwinder!. Half way you cannot see Alderney or Guernsey and the nearby rib was a welcome comfort. The swell pushed us further south than desired so 5 miles out a hard slog across swell and side wind put us on course for a sundown finish 4 hours after the start at Bordeaux on the east coast of Guernsey. An epic day and great to explore new lands. Some great bays were spotted for returning with handplanes and obviously the travel options would be easier than taking a 14 ft SUP race paddleboard! Roll on the Autumn swells! Jersey next!


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